BankART Life7
すくう、すくう、すくう 2024
展示場所 横浜市みなとみらい ぷかりさん橋
「すくう、すくう、すくう 2024」(「掬う、救う、巣食う」の意からくる)は、奥能登芸術祭2020+で発表された作品・20点のうちの6点を再構成した作品です。
2024年3月13日 中谷ミチコ
SUKUU, SUKUU, SUKUU 2024 (alluding to " scoop, rescue, nest") is a restructured grouping of six of the twenty works presented at the Oku-noto Triennale 2020+.
From twenty men and women of all ages residing in Iida-cho, Suzu City, Ishikawa, where this exhibition was held, I asked them each to photograph their hands in the gesture of scooping up water. Based on these images, I created a series of sculptures from water clay prototypes, molded in plaster, and poured clear resin into the cavity of the molds. At a time when people were urged to refrain from inter-prefectural travel, the project was an attempt to gather the presence of others living in distant places by relying on photographic references.
We are at the mercy of natural disasters and other catastrophes, including war, repeatedly, but still, our days go on, working and living again to restore peace even after so many setbacks.
I will continue making something, searching for a way to connect with the world or not. I don't know if there is still any meaning in continuing with this. But even so, I want to keep making these things with care, one by one.
The people of Suzu City, who modeled their hands for me, were devastated by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on New Year's Day, 2024. For this exhibition, we are calling for supporters to purchase this work. The proceeds will be donated/returned to Suzu to contribute to the Noto Peninsula earthquake relief efforts.
Michiko Nakatani
March 13, 2024
The following is my text for the work in 2021.
My first visit to Suzu was in February 2020. This distant land I visited with my family turned into an unforgettable heavenly paradise during the "time of no travel" that followed thereafter. Although the Okunoto Art Festival was postponed for a year, I hesitated to leave for Suzu to conduct research for my project. For the longest time, I could not figure out how to make sense of this strange situation and my state of mind.
And that is when I asked the onsite staff to photograph the hands of the people of Suzu.
"Please document the hand gestures of each person scooping water." "If possible, please include people of different ages, genders, and occupations."
The photographs of those 20 people's hands sent to me were blurry in places and not taken at the angle I was hoping for, yet without a hint of irony, I found them incredibly moving. Perhaps I could feel the presence and assurance of lives beyond the images. With all of these blurry hand photos of people I had never met, I chose to take faith in them. Of every wrinkle, the curve of a fingernail, or the fluffiness of the flesh. The act of scooping up water is an everyday movement that has been unconsciously cultivated.
Examining their closely held hands, carefully containing water from spillage, I notice each of these pairs of hands are held quite differently. For this reason, I have set myself the task of eliminating any obscure "figurative representations" of my own, but instead, faithfully mold each of the forms that I can interpret from the photographs in clay. I shaped this work depending on the faint traces of people's hands that remain in the blurred image, who live far away. And for this reason, the hands in this work series are relatively much larger than in reality. Even at this scale, it carries my own subjective reality about the image and distance. The plaster-molded scooping hand, which serves as a female mold, has been inverted to reveal the back of the hand. On the surface, it could be conceived of as the hand of rejection. And yet, it could also be considered a hand encased in itself.
Ultimately, the decision was made to plaster the floor and insert the artwork into the many recesses formed around the site. I desired to create a situation where the ground accepts the weight (presence) of the hand. I sought to make this "thing" only through modeling.
To view the Okunoto Art Festival 2020+ exhibition scene and text about the artwork during its production, please visit the following link↓
協力:BankART 1929 アートフロントギャラリー 杉本プラスター nijiiro
奥能登芸術祭実行委員会 モデルをしてくださった飯田町の皆さん
For more information: Google Form
すくう、すくう、すくう 2024 ぷかりさん橋 出品作一覧





